About Us
Who created this website? A woman with breast cancer and an attitude.
From its inception the Annie Appleseed Project decided to Challenge the Existing treatment paradigm, to Question the existing research methods and subjects, and to Propose new directions for both ending with true Integrative Oncology. Thus the program name Cheqpt, designed to bring complementary, alternative therapies to the mainstream as soon as may be, while serving as a place where all ideas are scrutinized.
About 90,000 visitors see our site monthly, and thousands have heard Ann Fonfa, and other of our volunteer advocates speak at various meetings around the world.
Other people with cancer (all volunteers) have gotten involved and produced reports on treatment responses, clinic visits, meetings attended and much more. We now offer financial support to advocates who attend meetings, write reports, hand out our brochures, etc. We need your support to continue to represent the people who use complementary or alternative cancer therapies. Things have improved over the years since we began this work, but it still comes down to each individual with her or his medical team. And insurance does not yet cover CAM.
IRS Filing.pdf - Download IRS filing document.
Here is Annie Appleseed Project's EEO Policy. At this time we are an all-volunteer cancer Advocacy nonprofit and have no employees. We offer our services to all.
The Annie Appleseed Project, a 501(c)(3) non-profit corporation, provides information, education, advocacy, and awareness for people with cancer and their family and friends who are interested in complementary or alternative medicine (CAM) and natural therapies from a patient's perspective.
Who is the audience for our work? We provide information that helps everyone/anyone REDUCE their risk for cancer (and heart disease, diabetes, and more modern ailments). Our information helps people in active conventional cancer treatment, REDUCE toxicities And we provide information for anyone interested in alternative or natural therapies.