Sunday, January 5, 2014



Dan and I've seen people come and go here at Hotel Perico. It has been really interesting for we've met quite a lot of characters. Some we grew to become friends with, which makes it very hard to say Good Bye.

The other day there was a couple with their daughter and pooch that has been here for about five months and has been traveling the world. . The time came for them to set out again so the office had a good bye gathering to wish them off safely.

Check out their blog


RENEE, originally from the Bay Area (California), is a writer, photographer, editor, and wrangler of dogs and children. Well, one dog and one child, but often it seems like more.

MARK, originally from New Orleans, is a freaky talented eBook designer.

SCOUT, originally from Seattle, is a friendly, brainy, chatty, roadschooling foodie who plans to be a writer and ecologist when she grows up.

ARCHIE, originally from Maine, is a happy, snugly, ferocious, mime-fearing, ball-loving Jack Russell Terrier whose hilarious antics keep us in stitches.

Dan and I enjoy the grounds and welcome you to Hotel Perico if you are traveling or coming to visit Mexico. It’s like a family here.


1 comment:

  1. Sheri, meeting and getting to know you and Dan has been such a pleasure. Meeting and becoming friends with good people around the world is a lot of fun. We only meant to stay at Hotel Perico for a couple weeks. But it was so nice, especially all the folks like you two, we ended up staying 5 months. Saying goodbye is hard.
